
ちいかわのうさぎのペーパークラフトを設計しました!I designed a papercraft of ”Usagi” from Chiikawa!

ちいかわのうさぎのペーパークラフト/papercraft of chiikawa Usagiちいかわペーパークラフト3体目、今度は『うさぎ』のペーパークラフト展開図を設計しました!





ちいかわ・ハチワレ・うさぎと並べて頂けると可愛さが増しますので、是非とも3体まとめて組み立ててください! 3匹揃ってこそのちいかわなんで。



I designed the third Chiikawa papercraft, this time a papercraft template of "Usagi"!

I uploaded a video of the explanation and how to make it on YouTube, which I started about a month ago ⇒ https://youtu.be/J0fp0ooW0O8
I did my best to edit the video, so please take a look.
please make sure to subscribe and hit the good button! if you like.

You can download the template of the papercraft of the Usagi here ⇒ https://paperman2.com/#download

When I was designing this project, I thought that the Usagi is a very papercraftable character. I think the colors are good.

If you line up Chiikawa, Hachiware and Usagi, their cuteness will increase, so please build all three of them together! The three of them together is the best way to make Chiikawa.
It won't take much time, only an hour or so for each one.

I think I will take a break from the Chikawawa series for a while and design Mario next. I've come up with a new way of making surfaces, and I'm going to try to express it in Mario.

#纸工艺品 #紙藝 #吉伊卡哇 #乌萨奇