



『小犬のこいぬ』は うかうかさんXアカウント(https://twitter.com/nknk6164)で不定期更新中です!


2期も2024年の7月からテレビ東京などで放送開始します! とても楽しみですhttps://harimaware-koinu-anime.com/





■うかうか個展2024「GOOD DOG MUSIC」
6月18日(火)〜7月7日(日) 13時〜19時 ※月曜定休

〒166-0002 東京都杉並区高円寺北2-25-4

〒165-0034 東京都中野区大和町1-67-1センティア53

※グッズや作品は会期中にCLOUDS GALLERY+COFFEEさんのオンラインショップ(https://www.cloudsgallerypluscoffee.com/online-shop)で購入できます!とのことですので、もしかしたらペーパークラフトもネット販売されるかもしれません。まだはっきりとは判りませんので、判り次第告知します!




【I will share about my job】

I had the pleasure of designing a papercraft of “Koinu” for Ukauka-san's request!


Koinu no Koinu" is updated irregularly on Ukauka-san's X account (https://twitter.com/nknk6164)!Koinu no Koinu" volumes 1-3 are now on sale. 

In addition,“Koinu” appears in the manga “Hari Maware! Koinu” which is currently serialized on the manga site Souffle(https://souffle.life/author/hari-maware-koinu/). The anime's first season recently aired and is available on platforms like Amazon Prime Video(https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0CNKGNKC5) . Excitingly, the second season is scheduled to start airing in July 2024 on TV Tokyo and other channels.

Additionally, “Koinu” serves as the protagonist in other manga works such as “Koinu no Koinu” and “Koinu to ShibaInu.”

The request was to create a papercraft that is easy to build. Transforming the simple and adorable 2D “Koinu” into a 3D papercraft was quite challenging, but it was a delightful experience!


■Ukauka's Exhibition: “GOOD DOG MUSIC”

Ukauka-san will be holding a solo exhibition starting from June 18, 2024. During the exhibition, the papercraft I designed for “Koinu” will be available for purchase as merchandise. If you happen to visit the exhibition, I would be thrilled if you consider getting one!


Exhibition Details:

Dates: June 18 (Tue) to July 7 (Sun)
Time: 13:00 to 19:00 (Closed on Mondays)

Address: 2-25-4 Koenji Kita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 166-0002

Address: 1-67-1 Yamatocho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 165-0034 (Centia 53)

Additionally, you can purchase the merchandise and artworks online during the exhibition through CLOUDS GALLERY+COFFEE online shop(https://www.cloudsgallerypluscoffee.com/online-shop). Keep an eye out for updates on whether the papercraft will be available for online purchase as well!

【番外編】助手さんとつくろう!ピカチュウペーパークラフト!/Let's make Pikachu papercraft! with Ms.Assistant!

ピカチュウペーパークラフト/pikachu papercraft








この動画のピカチュウのペーパークラフトの展開図は無料ダウンロードして印刷して組み立てて頂くことができます。 展開図のダウンロードはこちらから⇒https://paperman2.com/#download


■X(旧Twitter)はこちら ⇒ https://twitter.com/paperman64 フォローして下さるととても嬉しいです!


Hello, I have an assistant who helps me with my work!

Ms.Assistant builded a Pikachu papercraft that I designed some time ago and made a YouTube video of it!

The YouTube video is here⇒https://youtu.be/yYV1nodOVuk

In this video, She explains how to make the Pikachu papercraft and explain the design.

Ms.Assistant did a great job of building, filming, and editing the video almost by herself.

Please look forward to his continued efforts in the future! If you like it, please subscribe to our channel and give us a high rating!

The Pikachu papercraft template is a little rough when you look at it again, but I reworked it with the uploading of the video, and I think it is now a little easier to build.

You can download and print out the Pikachu papercraft template from this video for free and build it yourself.

Click here to download the template

■X (Twitter) is here ⇒ https://twitter.com/paperman64
I am very happy if you follow me!

任天堂のマリオの2024版ペーパークラフトを設計しました! I designed a papercraft of Nintendo's Mario!




設計について語ったりもしていますので是非御覧ください。YouTubeはこれからもどんどん更新していきますよ! よかったらグッドボタンとチャンネル登録をお願いします。

マリオは今まで度々設計してきまして、今回は一体何体目のマリオなんだろう? 数えきれない程設計してきました。




This time I designed a papercraft of Nintendo's Mario!

You can download the template from here ⇒https://paperman2.com/#download
Please try to build it if you like.

This video explains how to build it ⇒https://youtu.be/LD7Q5sPNGyk
I also talk about the design, so please take a look. I will keep updating YouTube more and more! Please hit the good button and subscribe to my channel.

I have designed Mario many times before, and I wonder how many Mario this is? I have designed countless Mario.
This is the first Mario I have designed in seven years since 2017.
In 1998, I designed my first paper craft, and of course it was Mario.

Mario is a very favorite character and I have a strong attachment to him, so when I come up with a new paper craft idea, I try it with Mario first.

This Mario is also a bit experimental in the way I designed it.I deliberately made the faces angular and the cuts noticeable, and used them to express something like the flow of the body. I hope I can express it well.

ちいかわのうさぎのペーパークラフトを設計しました!I designed a papercraft of ”Usagi” from Chiikawa!

ちいかわのうさぎのペーパークラフト/papercraft of chiikawa Usagiちいかわペーパークラフト3体目、今度は『うさぎ』のペーパークラフト展開図を設計しました!





ちいかわ・ハチワレ・うさぎと並べて頂けると可愛さが増しますので、是非とも3体まとめて組み立ててください! 3匹揃ってこそのちいかわなんで。



I designed the third Chiikawa papercraft, this time a papercraft template of "Usagi"!

I uploaded a video of the explanation and how to make it on YouTube, which I started about a month ago ⇒ https://youtu.be/J0fp0ooW0O8
I did my best to edit the video, so please take a look.
please make sure to subscribe and hit the good button! if you like.

You can download the template of the papercraft of the Usagi here ⇒ https://paperman2.com/#download

When I was designing this project, I thought that the Usagi is a very papercraftable character. I think the colors are good.

If you line up Chiikawa, Hachiware and Usagi, their cuteness will increase, so please build all three of them together! The three of them together is the best way to make Chiikawa.
It won't take much time, only an hour or so for each one.

I think I will take a break from the Chikawawa series for a while and design Mario next. I've come up with a new way of making surfaces, and I'm going to try to express it in Mario.

#纸工艺品 #紙藝 #吉伊卡哇 #乌萨奇

ちいかわのハチワレのペーパークラフトを設計しました!I designed a papercraft of ”Hachiware” from Chiikawa!

ちいかわのハチワレペーパークラフト/papercraft of "Hachiware" from Chiikawa.







Next, I designed a papercraft template of the manga "Chiikawa" character "Hachiware"!

I uploaded a video of the explanation and buildly method on YouTube, which I started about 3 weeks ago ⇒ https://youtu.be/WW1vvdkPH-A
I did my best to edit the video, so please take a look.
If you like it, I would be very happy if you subscribe to my channel and pressed the Good button!

You can download the template of Hachiware PaperCraft here⇒https://paperman2.com/#download

The more I make Hachiware, the more I think "something is different",
The more I made Hachiware, the more I felt "something is different" and I was in a state similar to a gestalt collapse.
Toward the end, I was already asking myself, "What is a Hachiware? What is a Hachiware?" I was designing while chanting in my head, "What is a Hachihuare?"
What is a Hachiware?
It sounds a bit philosophical, doesn't it?

I also talk about the various difficulties I faced in the video,Please check out the YouTube video as well.I am also waiting for your feedback on the buildly!

I will be starting on the third Chiikawa character in the near future.
I think it won't take that long, so I will update again soon!

ちいかわのペーパークラフトを制作しました!I designed the Chiikawa papercraft!

ちいかわの無料ペーパークラフト展開図/free papecraft chiikawa

















I have been updating this page frequently recently!

I have designed a papercraft template of Chiikawa, and I would be happy if you could download and print it out to build it ⇒ https://paperman2.com/#download

I have uploaded a video on YouTube that we started about two weeks ago, explaining how to make the papercraft ⇒ https://youtu.be/QEITZ0RyHko

I did my best to edit the video, so please take a look.

If you like it, I would be very happy if you subscribe to my channel and pressed the Good button.!


I had a hard time to make the "chiikawa" look like chiikawa at all just by shifting the position of the eyes, nose, and mouth a little or by changing the shape of the head a little.

I was impressed by the exquisite balance of the two!

This time, I tried a simple shape. I think it would have been easier if I had made the face and other parts more detailed and closer to a sphere.


I also talk about the various difficulties I faced in the video,

Please check out the YouTube video as well.

We are waiting for your feedback on the buildly!

等身大カービィのペーパークラフトを制作しました!I designed the Full-scale Kirby papercraft!!




そして!! YouTubeはじめました!!!⇒https://youtu.be/uoAk81Cl00U

カービィペーパークラフトの変遷(Kirby Papercraft Transition)実はカービィのペーパークラフトを設計するのは4度目です。






It has been a while since I have been in touch with you.
I have now designed a Full-scale Kirby papercraft and would be happy if you could download and print it out and build it ⇒ https://paperman2.com/#download

And I have started YouTube! ⇒https://youtu.be/uoAk81Cl00U
I will send you videos of Kirby's papercrafts and buildly procedures.
I will try my best to update it from now on.
I'm new to everything, so I'm not very good at it, but it have English subtitles available, so please check it out.
If you like it, please subscribe to my channel and click the "Good" button!

This is actually my fourth time designing a Kirby papercraft.
The first one was designed 24 years ago with a lot of effort.
The second one was a supplement to the official Nintendo guidebook "Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble" 23 years ago. I was very happy to receive a job related to my favorite Nintendo game.
The third one is a small container I made 10 years ago. You can download the template from here⇒https://paperman2.com/#download

【お仕事紹介】株式会社アニプレックス様からのご依頼で 「王様ランキング 勇気の宝箱」のペーパークラフトを設計しました!


株式会社アニプレックス様(https://www.aniplex.co.jp/)からのご依頼でTVアニメ「王様ランキング 勇気の宝箱」  のボッジ・カゲ・ダイダ、3体のペーパークラフトを設計させて頂きました!





















そして、『王様ランキング 勇気の宝箱』は、2023年4月から6月まで放送されました。なお、本作の内容は前作で語られなかったスペシャルエピソードとなっており、「第2期」とは銘打たれていません。ファンの間では1.5期とよばれている様です。


又、音楽も素晴らしく、それぞれにアニメ「王様ランキング」の世界観が見事に表現されています。僕はVaundyさんの「裸の勇者(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT0GKCuSaW0)」が特に気に入っていて、カラオケでよく練習しています! 全く上手く歌える気はしませんが笑




【I will share about my job】

Aniplex Inc. (https://www.aniplex.co.jp/) requested me to design papercrafts of Bodge, Kage, and Daida from the TV animation "Ranking of Kings: The Treasure Chest of Couragee"!

It can be downloaded from the official WEB site.
Please print it out and build them!

I designed these papercrafts with the intention of making it easy to build.However, its small size makes it more difficult.
I hope you will give it a try.


The wealth of the country, the number of powerful men it has, and how brave the king himself is,

"The wealth of the country, the number of strongmen it has, and how strong the king himself is like a brave man,

The "Ranking of Kings" is a comprehensive ranking of the wealth of his kingdom, the number of powerful men he has, and how strong he is like a hero.

The main character, Bodge, was born as the first prince of the kingdom ruled by King Boss, the seventh-ranked king.

King Boss, the seventh-ranked king, is the first prince of the kingdom.

However, Bodge was born deaf,

He was born deaf and so weak that he could not even wield a sword properly,

He was despised by his subjects and people alike, who thought he was not fit to be king.

Bodge, however, makes his first friend, Kage.

Bodge's encounter with the lizard and his small act of bravery,

Bodge's life begins to change dramatically. ----



 "Ranking of Kings" is a manga by Touka Sousuke. It has been updated every Saturday since May 20, 2017 on the manga submission service "Manga Hack" (https://mangahack.com/comics/5207).
The book is published by KADOKAWA's Beam Comics label, and as of December 2021, the total number of copies sold has exceeded 1.5 million!

The long-awaited anime adaptation of  "Ranking of Kings" was realized in 2021, and aired for two consecutive seasons from October 2021 to March 2022 on Fuji Television's "Noitamina" slot and other channels.
And "Ranking of Kings: The Treasure Chest of Couragee" was broadcast from April to June 2023. Note that the content of this work is a special episode that was not discussed in the previous work, and is not labeled as a "second season. It is called the "1.5 season" by fans.


I have been reading the manga version for a long time, and when I was asked to do so, I saw the anime version for the first time.

The animated version is also wonderful. Bodge, the main character of this work, is unable to speak, so he is wonderfully animated to express his emotions and richly expressive. The picture-book cuteness and beauty of the work is concentrated in the drawings. However, there is a lot of misfortune, sadness, and the cruelty of reality intertwined in the work, which gives it a depth that makes it more than just a children's animation.
It is a work that should be enjoyed by adults.

The music is also wonderful, and each of them expresses the world of "Ranking of Kings" beautifully. I especially like Vaundy's "Naked Hero (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT0GKCuSaW0)" and often practice it at karaoke! I don't think I can sing it well at all.


万聖街(万圣街)ペーパークラフト_Papercraft of All Saints Street



Blu-rayとDVDの発売イベントとして、アニメイト池袋店にてペーパークラフトとドールハウスの展示があったり、一部アニメイト店舗にて、「万聖街 1」Blu-ray/DVDをご購入いただいたお客様の中から、抽選で7名様に「ペーパークラフト公式サンプル品(非売品)」のプレゼント企画にも使用して頂きました。

2016年よりWeiboにて連載されている零子還有鈔(簡: 零子还有钞)様による漫画「1031万聖街」(簡: 1031万圣街)を原作としたシェアハウスコメディです。

日本では日本語吹替版が2022年にTOKYO MX、とちぎテレビ、群馬テレビ、BS11、AT-Xで放送された他、アマゾンプライムビデオ(https://www.amazon.co.jp/万聖街/dp/B0B6CG4LT8)などでネット配信もされています。













【I will share about my job】
I designed papercrafts of characters of "All Saints Street" at the request of ANIPLEX Co.

The seven are Neil, Ira, Lynn, Abu, Damao, Lily, and Nick.

It can be downloaded from the official WEB site.
Please build it.

"All Saints Street" is an animation from the People's Republic of China. The characters are rich in personality, and the setting in which demons and angels from the West live together in China is innovative. 

Although there are some serious developments in the story, it is basically a comedic story filled with love, laughter, and tears. The animation and music are also excellent and of high quality. It became a topic of conversation when it was exclusively distributed as a 5-minute short animation on Tencent Video, and the total number of views in China has exceeded 200 million.

In Japan, the Japanese dubbed version was broadcast in 2022 on TOKYO MX, Tochigi TV, Gunma TV, BS11, and AT-X. It is also distributed online through Amazon Prime Video.

In Japan, "All Saints' Street 1" was released on February 1, 2023, "All Saints' Street 2" on March 8, 2023, and "All Saints' Street 3" on April 12, 2023. ⇒https://banseigai.com/#bddvd


Neil, a kind-hearted demon, dreams of living in the human world and is invited to All Saints Street by his best friend Ira, a vampire.
His roommates in room 1031 are angels, mummies, and "non-humans".
The life together with the roommates is full of ups and downs, but in fact, the power of the Demon King is sleeping in Neil.

Werewolves and his brother's demons also come to the human world to seek his power. Will Neil be able to spend his daily life in the human world ......?

I hope you enjoy the world of the anime "All Hallows' Eve" along with the papercraft!


樋口楓ペーパークラフト・ペーパーフィギュア(Papercraft of Kaede Higuchi)





テレビ東京系にて今夏放送されていたドラマ『量産型リコ -プラモ女子の人生組み立て記-』のオープニングテーマにもなっている『ビューティーMYジンセイ!』

僕も聴きながら作図していたのですが、とてもいい曲ですね! なんだか前向きな気持ちになり、作業もガンガンはかどりました!



【Here are some of my jobs】

Kaede Higuchi (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsg-YqdqQ-KFF0LNk23BY4A) is a Vtuber belonging to Niji-sanji (https://www.nijisanji.jp/).
Kaede Higuchi has released her 3rd single music CD "Beauty MY Jinsei! on 11/9 from the record label Lantis (https://lantis.jp/)!
I designed a paper figure of Kaede Higuchi, which is a bonus for the limited first edition of "Weekly "Kaede Higuchi wo Tsukuru".

For more information, please visit https://www.lantis.jp/artist/kaede_higuchi/

You can enjoy building the figure yourself while listening to the music!

"Beauty MY Jinsei!" is also the opening theme song for a TV drama series airing this summer on TV Tokyo.
The lyrics of this song, which was written especially for the drama, are interspersed with words inspired by "plastic models," which is also the theme of the drama.

I was listening to the song while I was drawing the plans, and it's a very nice song. It gave me a positive feeling and got me working hard!

Please buy "Beauty MY Jinsei!"  listen to,and build it!